My Introduction

 My Introduction

Hello. my name is Endijs Frisvalds, I am a second year student at TU Blanchardstown and I am studying creative digital media. I am 19 years old living in Clondalkin a good 2 hour bus ride away from college. In my free time I love going fishing or staying home and playing video games while my pet cat Simba sleeps in my bed doing whatever cats do. ( He sleeps a lot and I mean a lot )

My cat "Simba"

I enjoy playing a variety of games that being story based or online co-cop mutliplayer. My favourite games from the last few years would be Red dead redemption 2, Genshin Impact and Rust. My future goals for my life would be firstly complete college and then get a job in an area that I enjoy. I enjoy graphic design and i enjoy taking picture but as of yet I am not set on an area yet because my choices may change and I think it's better that way. My favourite movie of all time is hard to choose because there used to be so many good ones. The top movies on my list are definitely Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings series and the spider-man series. My favourite food is got to be pizza as cliche as that is. ( Pizza is very good ) I love drinking my tea every morning and then mutiple times more during the day. As I said I love fishing I mainly do sea fishing in Ireland and then I do fresh water fishing back in home country of Latvia where I can experience the amazing weather during the summer times. My favourite module last year was probably photography because I learned how to take pictures in many different ways and I loved seeing how the images turned out.


  1. Hey Endijs,

    Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Loving Simba the sleepy cat. I used to go fishing when I was younger all the time and I never caught one thing. I don't think I would have the patience for it now so well done to you. I remember your photography from first year and you were really good. You always took really good shots of your cat. You should defo keep it up if you enjoyed it. See you around in college!


  2. Hey Endijs,

    I used to love going fishing when I was younger, my friends dad would bring us to the closest pier and we watched him while he fished and if we were luck we would get the throw the line out!
    Simba is sooo cute, such a sleepy cat. I've played a bit of rust before, I didn't really understand it while playing it so I gave up on it pretty quickly.
    Loved reading your blog!

  3. Hi Endijs, you have a very good looking blog, and a very nice looking cat, love the name Simba by the way. I relate to you, as I also enjoy playing games which are more story-based. I have great difficulty in enjoying games that don’t have a story and characters which I can follow. I also appreciate your tastes in movies and food. Great to hear you loved photography last year. Wish you the best of luck for this year.

  4. Hey Endijs, Love the cat btw, not the biggest fan of cats myself as most cats i've come in contact with hate me for whatever reason but yours does look nice. Love the selection of games also, i'd say red dead would be up there on the list for me too. Overall really good introduction, hopefully we run into each other on campus at some point.

  5. Hi Endijs, Multiplayer and co-op games are so good and are such an enjoyable experience especially with friends they make the games so much better. Single player games are great but in terms of overall enjoyment I suppose it depends what you are in the mood for. Pizza is so good man haha dominoes is so good and man I must say I am a tea drinker as well.

  6. Hi Endijs, I really like your blog it was good to read. Your cat is very cute and I really like it's name it's very cool. My favourite movies are definitely Harry Potter as well I have watched them all so many times. I also really enjoy pizza too it is up there with one of my top foods I love it.

  7. Hey Endijs,
    Omg that’s such a long journey away from campus. Must be such a pain rip. I love your cat he is the main star of this blog so cute!!! I love his name SIMBAAAAA. I will play Red dead redemption soon super excited. The Harry Potter series is the best no other series can compare 💅🏼 I love this blog post and don’t forget to keep slaying 💅🏼


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