What is growth mindset?

Have I heard of growth mindset before? No I haven't but when listening to the ted talk by Carol Dweck I quickly understood what it meant. In quick summary what I got from the video I watched She explained that students who fail in school can either have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. The people with a fixed mindset didn't like to improve their work and they found ways to cope with it by looking for things such as who did worse than them in an exam to give themselves praise. The other group of people who had a growth mindset overcame the challange's they faced by not giving up but by doing things that assured them that they would do better than last time in an exam or whatever it may be. Carol Dweck also said that you shouldn't praise a young kid for doing something easy because it can mislead them into thinking they don't have to do a lot of work to get by in the future and everything will be easy and they will get praise for it. I think the growth mindset is a great way to make people do the work again even if they fail as long as they don't give up because eventually they will surpass the boundary that they are trying to make it across. A fixed mindset will set you back and it will be very hard to get out of when you convince yourself I am good enough even though you can be better.

This image comes from ( https://sites.dartmouth.edu/learning/2017/05/18/understanding-the-growth-mindset/ ) I think this image shows great contrast between the two sides of a fixed mindset vs a Growth mindset


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