Feedback Strategies

 Feedback Strategies 

In my read through this article it said that 21% of people avoid giving negative feedback. In this it tells me that the other 79% do give negative feedback. I don't understand why the other 21 % don't give negative feedback. I feel negative feedback is required so that people can fix issues and stop doing wrong and do better.I think negative feedback is a key aspect of improving work from people because if you don't give that feedback then the person will think their work is okay when in reality it may not be up to par with what they should be doing.

Article link ( )

In the second article I read I found an interesting word called feedforward, when looking at the article it explained that feedforward can come from anyone who knows about the task at hand. I like this because it means that you will learn about a certain objective from a person who knows a lot about it who has gone through the lengthy process they had to go through when they learned about it. Now they can teach others about it in their own way which may be simpler to understand for others that they are teaching.

Article link ( )

Image came from the first article I read at the following link ( )


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