Unity Tutorial 02- My Experience
Unity Tutorial 02- My Experience
This is a blog where I will be speaking about my experience following the Unity Tutorial 02 assignment. Since the first tutorial that I did for this module I found it fairly straight forward where everything seems to flow nicely. I was able to easily follow the guide and have close to no issues when doing so. The only issues I ran into is forgetting to type "private float" and other simple spelling mistakes in the code because I try to type fast. Other than those mistakes I didn't have much trouble this week.
I enjoyed these tasks as it made my game be more player friendly. By player friendly I mean it allowed me to gain control over the vehicle like allowing me to drive with W and S and steer with A and D. This simple mechanic allowed me to enjoy the process of code a bit more enjoyable because seeing the end result was very fulfilling.
I hope the future tasks I will be doing are as fun as this one because this one was my favourite by far so far. I also enjoyed placing the obstacles in the first tutorial so I am hoping that we will be able to make our own custom surrounding area soon.
Image is by me of my code. This is what my code looked like by the end. I would post a gameplay picture but that doesn't really look different as I already had my obstacles placed in an obstacles folder last week to make it easier to see what I was looking at.
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