Game Decisions
Game Decisions
After reading through some readings about the flow theory it has educated me on what it is. I think the flow theory is quiet interesting and that it is a really cool way to keep players engaged with the game they are playing. In a video I watched they showed a graph which I found really interesting. The graph I saw was from a video, here is a screenshot from that video.
Link : ( )
This graph tells us that when you present a player with a challenge, the player achieves a flow state within that challenge and it is up to the game developer to keep the player in that flow state in other words keep the player in the flow state.
Flow states can also be described as being in the zone and this is when a player is really connected to game they are playing when they may sometimes lose track of time.
The players need to be placed within a flow state which is equal to their skill in the game because if the player is really good and the game is really easy the player might not achieve the flow state but if the player is good and wants to get better and they see a challenge they may be put into a flow state.
List of reading I did :
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