Game Decisions - Games GDD

 Games GDD

In this blog I will talk about Games design documents.I read different articles about the game desing document and how it is formatted and how it is meant to look and what how different people write their game design documents.

In this first article that I read I realized how much thought and time goes into a game design document and how it can sometimes be a lot longer than a book with how much content is put into the game design document. In this first article I saw the following picture and it amazed me by how much content must be inside of that folder. As I further read down I saw why there was so much content because every single aspect of the game was spoken about.

(Image was taken from the following link from the article I read : )

In the article linked below I learned more about what is put in the game desing document and how it can be laid out. It also gave great examples of what certain parts can look like where they speak about colour patterns, shape use in game etc.

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In the following video that I watched on youtube I learned even more about the game design document and it thought me how to create certain parts of the game design document and it showed me how the document can be put together.

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I think all these reading were great for showing me and helping me with creating my own GDD.


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