Unity tutorial 11 - My experience
Unity tutorial 11 - My experience
This week I did the unity tutorial called Lesson 6.1 Project Optimazation as I did not know what tutorial would help me with my game and I felt game optimization is very important. While doing this tutorial I ran into zero problems but I didn't enjoy the tutorial as it didn't feel like game optimization but a tutorial for making the past tutorials differently with preset code that I had to install and delete old scripts and replace them. I wish the tutorials was more focused on optimization. I didn't know any more tutorials that I could do that would help me with my game but something I did do was go on youtube and research terrain. I learned how to make terrain from youtube videos and what I had learned has been implemented into my game already.
This is an image from the tutorials and you can see nothing really has changed on it other than the object pooler I added in the spawn manager from this tutorial. I hope to see and find fun future tutorials that will help me develop my skills with unity. In conclusion I found this tutorial not as fun as the others but I had time to research terrain which I could implement in my game.
i think the same thing also i did not find it as fun because i won't lie my brain could not take in so much information and it was like i was just stuck and i did not know what i could do i had to take so much break and come back to try and do it again