Tutorial 01

 Tutorial 01

This is the 2nd week in semester 2 and this week for our tutorials we were given the choice between 3 options for tasks to do. I chose to do my tutorials on the first task which was 2D Game Dev on Unity. Going into this tutorial I didn't have any expectations on it if it would be easy or hard. I quickly learned that following the tutorials was a bit more difficult than previously as there was no video guide for it but the writing was easy enough to follow along so it went ok I'm just hoping I don't run into a lot of issues in the future where a video would be helpful but I won't have access to one. 

In this tutorial I enjoyed the 2D aspect of creating the game and the scripts seemed very straight forward as I barely had put any information into the script for ruby but when I tested the game ruby would move in all directions when I pressed the following buttons "w,a,s,d". I'm looking forward to the future tutorials to see where this small game project will lead.

Image is of ruby from my unity tutorial.


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