Tutorial 04

 Tutorial 04 

This week we looked at projectiles and animations.In my opinion this was by far the hardest lab as I was struggling to follow the guide because I think the guide isn't updated to the current unity studio I use. The guide showed me tabs I couldn't find so I struggled creating the animations. Below is a picture of one of the animations we had to when we had to create and save an "anim" file. I'm not sure if I was reading the tutorial wrong or anything but it was very confusing but I tried my best to create the animation. I got the animation to work but it seemed to be very fast so I moved the key frames up a bit to make the animation a bit slower and more realistic. 

We also created projectiles which also confused me a bit because the projectile didn't seem to do anything crazy. When the bullet collided with objects the objects didn't break or anything and I didn't have any code issues so I'm not sure what the problem there was, but the projectile does exist within the game and I also changed the layers around so that the 8th layer is called "character" and the 9th is called "Projectile". I didn't really enjoy this tutorial as much because of the issues I ran into so I'm hoping next weeks lab won't be as confusing. 

Image from the tutorial which can be found from previous blogs and withing the game assets.


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