Project Progress Presenting my game


This week I finished building my game in unity. The process was a long few weeks but it is finally over and I have a finished game to show for it. The first week when I started on the game I had to create a document where I spoke about what I want my game to be about and I wrote about different styles/genres of games that I could make in unity. The next week I made a shorter but more refined document on my final game idea that I wanted to stick with where I chose to do an "Endless Runner" game. The week after that I went into detail about the game in a GDD or "Game Design Document". In this document I spoke about game physics, objects and other things about the game.

Since the last blog post about my game I didn't change much in the game as I felt it was all already good enough I just made sure that there were no crazy bugs that would be annoying to deal with if you were the player. The game is playable in my opinion and under this blog post you will get a link to the game so that you can play the game yourself. The goal of the game is for the player to keep going on and on and avoid the obstacles that are coming from the right side of the screen that randomly spawn in. The obstacles are red hexagon shapes.

The game isn't anything crazy good because it is my first time making a 2D game but this is great progress for me to be able to make better games in the future as I am still learning how to make games with unity as it is a quiet confusing piece of software.

Game link :


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