
Showing posts from December, 2021


This is just a post for my game trailer and game. Game Link : Game Trailer Link :

Unity tutorial 11 - My experience

Unity tutorial 11 - My experience  This week I did the unity tutorial called Lesson 6.1 Project Optimazation as I did not know what tutorial would help me with my game and I felt game optimization is very important. While doing this tutorial I ran into zero problems but I didn't enjoy the tutorial as it didn't feel like game optimization but a tutorial for making the past tutorials differently with preset code that I had to install and delete old scripts and replace them. I wish the tutorials was more focused on optimization. I didn't know any more tutorials that I could do that would help me with my game but something I did do was go on youtube and research terrain. I learned how to make terrain from youtube videos and what I had learned has been implemented into my game already.  This is an image from the tutorials and you can see nothing really has changed on it other than the object pooler I added in the spawn manager from this tutorial. I hope to see and find fun futur...

Games Testing

 Games Testing After reading and looking at the different methods used to test games what interested me was the seven different and most popular ways games are tested. The 7 ways were : Functionality Testing  Combinatorial Testing Ad Hoc Testing  Clean Room and Tree Testing Regression Testing Compatibility Testing Performance Testing These 7 ways all have their pros and cons but that's why there is different methods for testing games. The most interesting way in my opinion was the compatibility testing as this is a good way to keep the player happy with a functional game that still looks and plays very well. This is also a good way to see if your game will run well with different devices such as different mobile phones and computers. This is also where you can see how your game runs on different screen sizes. Picture taken from the youtube video as follows : "" 3 Reads : 1. https://tudublin-my.sharepo...


 BETA This week I made my game a bit better by giving it some life. I created a terrain that I was happy with after I searched for a youtube video that helped me create terrain. I really liked exploring and creating the terrain and wish I could have made the terrain in my game be more of thing everywhere on the map rather than having some flat paths. I also changed my car as I was running issues where it drove backwards when i wanted it go forward but when I changed to a different car that seemed to fix it. There is still things I want to do to the game but I feel it is playable and I have uploaded it to and it can be played if you follow this link "".  Picture of my unity There is still things I would love to do in my game such as fix certain aspects about it that I don't like such as the car going through the houses, but i can't get the right box collider for it so I find it difficult to fix it as i think it w...

Tech Task (Optional) Cheezburger meme

 I created this following meme using a meme template.

Unity Tutorial 10 - My Experience

 Unity Tutorial 10 - My Experience My video of my the tutorial This was a fairly fun tutorial as it gave me knowledge to further improve my own game. Things that I got benefit from in this tutorial were the score system that we made. I think the score system with having the text ui on screen  was a very good way of keeping the player informed of how well they were doing in the game. I will definitely be able to somehow put this tutorials in use for my game as I need a score system for my game so players can keep track of how many items they have collected when driving around the map. This tutorial will help me achieve just that and make my game better for the end result. In  this tutorial the game we made felt fairly easy so I wish there was a way to make it more difficult. Maybe a way to make it more difficult would be to increase the amount of objects flying into the scene and make the penalty for hitting bad objects increase from -10 to -20. Other than that I feel this...

Game Stories

 Game Stories I have read a few articles on game stories. I noticed that in games when they say something like "choices matter" this is only true to a certain extent because the game is only made to have certain things happen in it and it is not tailored to be fully controlled by the player but the player still gets given choices that effect character relationships. Certain choices do not matter though but the thought process that the player goes through when choosing a choice makes them feel like the choice will matter.  Games have started making small story's within the game such as a bird flying down snatching a rabbit where the scene lasts a few seconds. This makes the atmosphere feel more natural when the player sees random things happening whilest also focusing on the main story of the game. I personally enjoy games that let me take the story at my own pace and I don't mind when there isn't much player choice but I would rather play a story based game like g...